本讲是android camera专题系列的第40讲,我们介绍android camera2 api专题的digital zoom缩放实战。
资源 | 描述 |
在线课程 | |
知识星球 | 星球名称:深入浅出android camera 星球id: 17296815 |
极客笔记圈 |
判断是否支持digital zoom
float max_zoom = characteristics.get(cameracharacteristics.scaler_available_max_digital_zoom);
camera_features.is_zoom_supported = max_zoom > 0.0f;
平滑的zoom steps计算方式
// set 20 steps per 2x factor
final int steps_per_2x_factor = 20;
//final double scale_factor = math.pow(2.0, 1.0/(double)steps_per_2x_factor);
int n_steps =(int)( (steps_per_2x_factor * math.log(max_zoom 1.0e-11)) / math.log(2.0));
final double scale_factor = math.pow(max_zoom, 1.0/(double)n_steps);
if( mydebug.log ) {
log.i(tag, "[zoom] n_steps: " n_steps);
log.i(tag, "[zoom] scale_factor: " scale_factor);
camera_features.zoom_ratios = new arraylist<>();
double zoom = 1.0;
for(int i=0;i
zoomseekbar.setonseekbarchangelistener(null); // clear an existing listener - don't want to call the listener when setting up the progress bar to match the existing state
zoomseekbar.setonseekbarchangelistener(new onseekbarchangelistener() {
public void onprogresschanged(seekbar seekbar, int progress, boolean fromuser) {
if( mydebug.log )
log.d(tag, "zoom onprogresschanged: " progress);
// note we zoom even if !fromuser, as various other ui controls (multitouch, volume key zoom, -/ zoomcontrol)
// indirectly set zoom via this method, from setting the zoom slider
preview.zoomto(preview.getmaxzoom() - progress);
public void onstarttrackingtouch(seekbar seekbar) {
public void onstoptrackingtouch(seekbar seekbar) {
将zoom值转换为crop region并设置给底层
float zoom = zoom_ratios.get(value)/100.0f;
rect sensor_rect = characteristics.get(cameracharacteristics.sensor_info_active_array_size);
if (mpreviewbuilder.get(capturerequest.distortion_correction_mode) != null) {
int distortionmode = mpreviewbuilder.get(capturerequest.distortion_correction_mode);
if (mstaticmetadata.isdistortioncorrectionsupported() &&
distortionmode == capturerequest.distortion_correction_mode_off) {
sensor_rect = characteristics.get(cameracharacteristics.sensor_info_pre_correction_active_array_size);
log.i(tag, "[zoom] distortionmode:" distortionmode);
int left = sensor_rect.width()/2;
int right = left;
int top = sensor_rect.height()/2;
int bottom = top;
int hwidth = (int)(sensor_rect.width() / (2.0*zoom));
int hheight = (int)(sensor_rect.height() / (2.0*zoom));
left -= hwidth;
right = hwidth;
top -= hheight;
bottom = hheight;